

Here we will describe the platform architecture.

Table of contents

  1. Kubernetes operator
  2. Pystol components
  3. Screenshots
    1. Cluster state pages
    2. Pystol specific pages
  4. Features
  5. Technologies

Kubernetes operator

This section will describe the K8s operator architecture.

TODO: Add the diagrams and explanation after the article is published.

Pystol components

TODO: Add the diagrams and explanation after the article is published.


Pystol has integrated a CLI allowing users not to use the Web interface to execute the fault injection actions and fetch their results.


Pystol has also a Web interface integrated in the operator deployment this allows non experienced users to interact with the platform.

Hosted service

It is also provided a hosted service for those who will like to try the platform, the requirement for this is to provide a valid Kubeconfig file. This service is hosted at


Cluster state pages

The following pages show the current state of the cluster in terms of resources and deployed applications.

Login interface

Connect interface

Usage interface

Namespaces interface

Nodes interface

Pods interface

Graph interface

Pystol specific pages

The following pages show information about the specific Pystol options.

Executed interface

Available interface

Run interface

Manage interface

There is another page called F.A.Q. showing some frequently asked questions.


  • Kill pods.

  • Drain nodes.

  • Pingtest.

TODO: Add explanation after the article is published.
